各位醫師、專家、學者及先進 鈞鑒:
2017台灣腦中風年會將於本(106)年11月24日至11月26日假 高雄展覽館會議中心舉行。
本年度學會主題:Stroke Care Policy and Stroke Society Empowerment
年會主題:活力海港 腦中風治療新紀元 Harbor of Energy, A New Era for Stroke Management
順祝 大會成功

葉守正 敬邀
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2017 annual meeting of Taiwan Stroke Society.
The meeting will be held on November 24-27 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The main theme of Taiwan stroke society is Stroke Care Policy and Stroke Society Empowerment
and the main theme of this year is Harbor of Energy, A new Era for Stroke Management.
In the meeting, doctors, specialist and experts in stroke will have an opportunity to engage in discussion,
and your participation will surely be contributory to the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung, and eagerly anticipate your active joining in the coming event.
Sincerely Yours,

Shoou-Jeng Yeh
President, Taiwan Stroke Society
Taiwan, R.O.C.